Sunday 24th November 2013 – Pantomime

Chris panto 2013For all of you who are not local to hear, which is pretty much all of you, you don’t know what you’re missing – or so my Mistress says. The Pantomime this year is as far as she is concerned by far the best one she’s seen in the village and a match for any professional production. It isn’t that she says that every year, she most certainly does not. This year she is delighted that she has to go again next Saturday night as it is definitely worth it. If you are local and haven’t yet bought your tickets then it’s about time you did as I imagine after the first two nights have gone so well they will be in pretty short supply. It’s amazing that with a village hall barely bigger than a shoebox you can not only fit in a stage but a reasonably sized audience as well. I’ve included a not very good picture of my Master as the villainous Sheriff of Easingwold, it’s not very good as my Mistress had to rely on her phone. She says she will take her proper camera next week,

I’d be spoiling you to bring you two photos in one day so you will have to wait until tomorrow for the other one. That will be the car. First there were the paw prints, which I showed you a long time ago, now there are signs advertising my business, Alfie Dog Fiction. They are magnetic ones and they look amazing. I shall be very proud sitting on the back seat driving round knowing that people can read about the company named after me. My Mistress has promised not to stick anything else on the car. There is already the ‘Entlebucher on Board’ sign with Ari’s face looking really cure and the Club sticker which has Megan’s photo on it. There is only Shadow that hasn’t put her stamp on the car, although I suppose she has indirectly, being Aristotle’s mum.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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