Oh you have to laugh. On Wednesday night, my Mistress explained the arrangements for her going away. She would be setting off on Friday afternoon and coming back on Saturday afternoon. All very straightforward, or so you would think. On Thursday she cooked tea for their normal time of 7pm. My Master did not arrive. She turned everything off and left it to try to keep warm. My Master is often late, so it was nothing too unusual. 7.15pm – no sign of my Master so she started to feel cross that he hadn’t let her know. 7.30pm – no sign of my Master so she moved from annoyance to worry, tried ringing him and got no reply. She wasn’t sure what to do. At 7.45pm there was still no sign. At 7.50pm my Master arrived and said “What are you doing here?” “I live here, same as you.” He had got it into his head that it was Thursday she was going, despite some very specific instructions that related to the right days. He’d almost stopped and bought himself fish and chips on the way home and had eaten the spare pork pie he’d got in the car. My Mistress told him that as penance for not listening he was going to eat every mouthful of the tea she had provided, however overcooked it might be! With reasonably good grace, he did! She even kept an eye on him to make sure he didn’t feed too much of it to us.
In the meantime my Mistress had to make a dash to the doctor’s before going away to get her third lot of antibiotics. She thought she was getting better, but as soon as the antibiotics stopped she started getting worse again. Hopefully this lot will sort her out. She’s a bit of a lost cause!
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com