Thursday 17th October 2013 – Uh oh

Well the very first sings of Shadow’s season started yesterday. I’m waiting for my Mistress to confirm everything later today but it looks like they are in planning mode and getting ready for the journey. What you will realise if you have been reading for the last few days is there is a high risk of Christmas Day puppies or if not on the day certainly within a couple of days of it. This is going to make for an interesting and very different Christmas than we are used to, particularly for my Mistress who will be sleeping in the utility and won’t be touching a drop of alcohol. I’m just hoping our vet wasn’t planning to be touching too much alcohol either! We’ll have much more idea of which day it will be when we see which is her main day for mating. At the moment my Mistress’s estimate is that that will be around next Friday. If she then went full term they would be born on Boxing Day but Shadow has been a day or so before that with both her litters. I’ve got visions of there being a star above our house over Christmas and one of the puppies being a very special little animal. Humans have had their special Christmas baby, now it’s our turn. Having said that, I will be a little put out if I have to share the turkey with strange shepherds and wise men. Maybe in our case it would be three sheepdogs and some King Charles Spaniels.

Aristotle is really down about the thought of losing Megan. He’s so very fond of her and if you saw them together you’d feel quite sorry for him. They are always having a kiss and a cuddle and playing together. Our Mistress has promised to try to cheer him up.

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