Tuesday 15th October 2013 – A critical few days

The next few days are critical. If Shadow’s season starts then it is likely we are going to have puppies born around Christmas or in between then and New Year. She says from how she’s feeling she thinks it’s going to be soon and all the signs are there, although I’m not prepared to go into detail. From previous performance today is the day that if she starts would make it very likely for them to be born on Christmas Day itself. Tomorrow would make Boxing Day most likely. Given it is our C litter you can see possible names coming up. I’m guessing that’s why my Master, born on Boxing Day, is called Christopher. We could have a puppy called Christmas or maybe that’s too obvious. If it were the B litter we could have had Brandy and if it were E we could have had Elf, but it’s C. Anyway, we’re all hoping we can get through these few days not least because my Mistress likes to get Shadow and the puppies checked by the vet and I’m sure our wonderful vet would much rather finish her Christmas dinner in peace. The problem with this whole thing is that if she leaves it much longer there are other dates which become a problem. My Mistress has tickets to go to see Billy Joel. She’s always known they are at risk, that’s why she bought tickets for two different dates that are 8 days apart, in the hope she can go to at least one of them. I hope she isn’t going to be disappointed. Knowing how these things go, I’ve got visions of her not getting to either of them. When we have enough stud dogs in this country it will be so much less of a problem. She’d only be away for 2 or 3 days at the most instead of a week. That’s not going to happen for Shadow breeding though.

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