Saturday 28th September 2013 – good weather

At what point does ‘unseasonably good weather’ start to be seen as ‘seasonal’? It often seems that in this country people say ‘we often have a spell of good weather at the end of September’ and yet then say it is ‘unseasonably’ warm. Now it strikes me that if you make a remark like that every year it is vaguely possible that you are wrong and the weather is in fact perfectly normal for this time of year, which may of course depend on your definition of normal. To be fair I do remember a few years ago it did nothing but rain and it was very hard for the farmers to get the harvest in, but that was perhaps the year we should have said that we were having ‘unseasonably bad weather’. It does mean that we can spend more time outside and have the backdoor open and I always think that’s preferable. I think the sound of the fountain by the backdoor helps me to get a good sleep in the afternoon and my Mistress is happy as we don’t tread so much mud through the house. There will be plenty of time for mud over the next few months without us starting any sooner than we need to.

My Mistress has got it into her head that she wants to go to Piglet’s Adventure Farm Park today. I’m not sure if Andy was thinking he wanted to go, but she feels the need to take a child with her so if Andy doesn’t want to go I can see her walking the streets looking for a random child. It’s the only place I’ve come across that actually charge cheaper for adults than for children. I’m just hoping that is not the next step in her wanting a donkey. You know what she can be like when she’s got an idea, no matter how crazy it may seem to the rest of us!

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