Thursday 26th September 2013 – Is this a breakthrough?

Something very odd happened yesterday. Aristotle got into the car without being carried. Now that in itself is not exceptional, he does it every day that he is not going swimming. However, on every swimming day he refuses to get in and makes my Mistress lift him up… but not yesterday. You could think that was a coincidence or that he hadn’t worked out where he was going, but with my Mistress carrying his towel it’s always a bit of a giveaway. It didn’t stop there. When he got to swimming, although he was reluctant to get into the water, when he did he simply got on with swimming. He didn’t try to get out when he got to the end. He didn’t push his luck and try to make his rests longer than the swims. He got to the far end, picked up the Kong toy and swam back and then not even bothering to hand the toy over he turned round and swam back down the pool. He pushed off from the side every time of his own accord. He didn’t need any encouragement and didn’t even want his rest in the middle of the session. It was as though he had had an epiphany. My Mistress says she will reserve judgement until next week before she breathes a sigh of relief but she was very proud of him and said it made taking him much easier if he was going to enjoy it and take it seriously.

We’ve got an odd day today as our Mistress has gone out and left us here being looked after. She’s taken her car for service, it’s a long story but that has resulted in her having a day out at the seaside. She needed a day off so I hope she has a good time. I know she’s taken her camera with her, it’s just a shame she couldn’t take one of us too.

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