Wednesday 25th September 2013 – Hormones

Aristotle has most definitely reached sexual maturity. The poor boy sat down with me earlier and said he just didn’t know what was happening. He can tell his mother is approaching her season and as soon as he gets near her he just wants to play. What is confusing him even more is that she wants to play with him. They were rolling over and having a right old game this morning. He says the play is ok but he can’t help thinking some of his other feelings are all wrong because she’s his mother. I just patted him on the shoulder and told him he’d grow out of it eventually. He’ll get to an age where instead of wanting to play he wants to go and hibernate somewhere until it’s all over. In the end for everyone’s peace and quiet my Mistress has adopted the policy of two of us being her with her and two apart and has split us boys and girls. It did mean things were a bit more settled but on the downside it meant we couldn’t spend the afternoon with our Mistress. Overall though it did seem a fair solution. My Mistress is hoping that Shadow’s season won’t start for at least another week as then she will be on top of things and ready to enjoy the trip. She wants our breeding test out of the way before she has to think of travelling and that’s a week on Saturday. It’s funny watching her counting dates to see what is at risk. She’s going to see Billy Joel, or so she hopes, at the end of the month, so she doesn’t want Shadow’s season to clash with that. Then of course she doesn’t really want her having her puppies on either Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. Oh this breeding lark is complicated. One day she says, when there are enough dogs breeding in this country, she’ll just have stud dogs instead. I guess I won’t be around by the time that happens.

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