Sunday 22nd September 2013 – Each one different

Our Mistress has someone helping doing some gardening yesterday. It meant when we went outside we went one at a time so we didn’t bowl the poor chap over. It was interesting to observe our different reactions. Ari went first. He barked a lot and kept bounding over to him. Basically he was saying I’m friendly but don’t even think of crossing me. Megan barked and backed off. She was saying, I’m not really sure about you, I want to keep you where I can see you, but I’m told you’re ok so I’ll give you a chance. Shadow didn’t bother with much barking, she woofed a little so he knew she could be fierce and then let him give her a bit of a pat and a stroke. They didn’t completely make friends but they did at least get to the acquaintance stage. I on the other paw took a radically different approach. I didn’t bark. I didn’t go up to him. I just went out nonchalantly and cocked my leg over his bag of grass clipping. Just saying!

Shadow is definitely at the early stages of the pattern of coming into season. She’s at the bounce everywhere, play with anyone stage and that includes me. She was having a great game in the back garden and wanted me to play too. The problem when she gets like this is that I do play. I can’t stop myself and we both start bouncing around for no apparent reason. It’s as much as my Mistress can do to get us to take any notice of her and come inside. It will only get worse before it gets better.  It will still probably be a few weeks before her season actually starts and then the real fun begins.

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