Saturday 21st September 2013 – You have to laugh

Two things happened yesterday that gave me cause for amusement. The first was in the morning when for the first time since her hand operation over six months ago my Mistress decided that she could face the prospect of walking Megan and Shadow at the same time. It wasn’t so much that her hand felt any better it was just that they were both being good and promised to behave and make it as easy as possible. That was of course before they knew what was going to happen. They decided to do a walk that goes through some lovely beautiful old oaks across a field and then back round some lovely lanes. The first lane went well and they got to the field. It’s a proper path and the only condition is the dogs are on a lead. As they started to walk my Mistress was aware that the girls were finding relatively fresh sheep poo to nibble and could have sworn that it wasn’t there a couple of days ago when she walked there with Granny and Granddad. She was right! When they got to the far side there was the flock of sheep all huddled up by the gate they had to walk through. Oh you can imagine how excited the girls were to have to contend with a flock of sheep at close quarters. My Mistress totally regretted taking both of them, although to be fair the event passed off as harmoniously as was possible, even if my Mistress was a little perturbed by the experience.

The afternoon was one she was able to laugh about as well. She received a text to her phone from a complete stranger saying:
‘Hey it’s Holly! What are you going to wear tomorrow? x’
Now my Mistress doesn’t actually know anyone called Holly but she was in a funny mood, so instead of simply saying that Holly had a wrong number, she replied: ‘Did you mean me? I will probably wear the same old baggy sweatpants and scruffy sweatshirt. But I’m guessing you got the wrong number!’ She was chuckling for ages and from the reply I think Holly saw the funny side too.

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