Friday 13th September 2013 – Not superstitious…but

My Mistress would tell you that she is not superstitious. However that doesn’t explain why she has been planning her day in such a way as to avoid things that might not go as planned. People are funny like that. Now dogs, we carry on as normal. We might not walk under a ladder but that is because we don’t want something dropped on us and not because we things something generally bad is going to happen. It is of course good luck for a black cat to cross you path if you are a dog… but that means bad luck for the cat as you will inevitably chase it. We do not consider a rabbit’s paw lucky unless we find it still attached to the rabbit we’ve just caught and horse shoes are only unlucky if the poor horse loses one when he needs it. It can be unlucky to cross on the stairs but that’s more because we are usually going so fast that we’ll knock you over and that can be very unlucky indeed. However, when did you last see your dog touching wood in the hope everything would be ok or throwing salt over his shoulder. We just don’t go in for that sort of thing. To be fair I think there are a few cats who might be up to suspicious activities but I suspect the budgie is fairly sensible.

I know I’m being kept apart from Megan for my own good, but I’ve had enough of not being with my Mistress. I’m finding it all rather intolerable. I’ve asked if it’s possible over the next few days for me to spend time with my Mistress and Megan be on her own. I think my Mistress is going to take Megan for an extra long walk today and then try to do that for me. I’ve been very good until now but I’m starting to find being left out is making me miserable.

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