Saturday 31st August 2013 – Barefoot

One of my Mistress’s favourite poems is one attributed to Nadine Stair, although it may have been written earlier by another author. Anyway It’s called ‘If I have my life over’ and it’s an old lady looking back at all the things she would have done differently if she could start again. The reason I’m telling you this is that my Mistress is refusing to wear socks because of it. One of the lines towards the end tells that she would stay barefoot later in the year and my Mistress is saying it’s about time she went barefoot later in the year. Ok, so she’s going to complain fairly soon that her feet are cold or that she’s trodden on something she’d rather not have trodden on, but the point is that she wants to let her hair down a bit. She’s gone to the hairdresser today and I’m more than a little concerned to see how she comes back looking. She suggested a pink Mohican but I know her and she’s far more likely to come back looking much the same as she did when she went, just a little less grey and a little less dishevelled. She has concluded that she probably won’t need to buy any more new clothes this side of being 70 although the problem is the ones she likes most will wear out long before that.


What I didn’t show you was the photo of her in her fancy dress this year. She says she doesn’t like it as much as ones she’s had in previous years but I think the wolf would have been suitably concerned when this Little Red Riding Hood turned up on the doorstep!

My Mistress and I were very happy yesterday. The magnitude of what we are achieving with our publishing company hit home when an order of books arrived for us to sell on a book stall. Seeing all the titles we now publish all in one place was really very special. You should take a look – this is the page for Amazon UK, but if you go to the main paperbacks page it will take you to your nearest Amazon. There will be 2 more added in September and then at the moment one scheduled for October and 2 for November.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

You can find short stories to read at