Tuesday 30th July 2013 – Happy Birthday Granny

Today is my human maternal Granny’s 80th birthday. My Mistress has gone to see her so I’m in charge here, of course not totally in charge we do have human supervision but I like to think I’m the boss in my Mistress’s absence.

I think some of the puppies need someone in charge of them. Basil, who is now 8 months old had a meeting out with some of the other dogs in his area. They had a great time and the best bit, so he says, was when he found an unattended picnic belonging to people who weren’t part of the doggy fun and he stole their sausages. Ari has said he wants to go next time. Can you just imagine what would happen if Ari and his half-brother Basil got together? I suspect they would not just steal the sausages but the whole picnic hamper. Knowing Ari’s style he would then lay it all out somewhere else and sit down to enjoy a glass of Champagne as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

We also heard from our darling little Tess. She is not so naughty as her brother Basil and has grown up into a fine dog of the same gentle nature she had as a puppy. My Mistress is trying to see whether we can go to visit her in a few weeks which would be lovely. I wonder if she will remember Ari and all the times the two of them lay nose to nose with her on the inside of the puppy pen and he on the outside? It’s always good when we hear that the puppies are doing well. I know it makes my Mistress very happy to hear from them. We are waiting to hear of we have permission for Shadow’s next boyfriend. She’s very eager for news. It’s not that it’s going to happen very soon, but she’s already looking forward to it and thinking of what she’d like to call the puppies. It’s hard on Megan, but hopefully her time will come eventually.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com