Monday 29th July 2013 – A Game of Ball Just for Me

Yesterday’s ‘Entlebucher’ day did have something for everyone. Not only did my Mistress catch up on all the Club work she needed to do but she took the girls for a nice walk and had a lovely game of ball just with me. It was actually brilliant as my Master stood one end of the garden and she stood the other and they just threw the ball backwards and forwards whenever I was ready. It was sheer doggy heaven. She swore me to secrecy as she knew the others would be jealous, but you know how it is when you are really excited about something. Anyway, the others were pretty fed up and asked why they hadn’t been included. For a start they never let me win and it can get a bit rough with all of us. Anyway, no fruit trees were damaged and I had a great time.

I forgot to tell you that my Mistress has at last eaten the first of her home-grown organic veg. She had a few peas. The carrots aren’t going to be ready for at least another month, unless she was trying to feed a very small dwarf. The cauliflower is showing promising signs and the purple sprouting broccoli will be producing something in time for us going away. I suppose that will be to Shadow and Megan’s benefits as they are staying here. The fennel is looking the best, to the annoyance of my Master who doesn’t like fennel, but then he’s got the strawberries. Some blueberries were looking almost ready but when my Mistress went to pick them the following day they’d gone so I think one of the birds may have got there first. It’s quite exciting there’s even a single tiny pear on the pear tree and loads of blackberries.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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