Saturday 27th July 2013 – A Much Better Day

Megan must be having some good hormones running through her veins. Yesterday she was a changed dog. She’d had a lovely walk and came home and said that she’d like a little quiet time on her own, so if I wanted to go and sit in the office with my Mistress then I could do so with her blessing. I didn’t know what to say, but I can tell you it was just what I needed. I had a lovely day curled up on the settee where if I bothered to raise an eyelid I could see my Mistress at her desk. I felt more relaxed than I’ve felt in weeks and it did me the world of good. I’m not sure if she’s just entered that gentle phase around her season or if she’s just happy to be back to her morning walks, whichever it is I am not going to complain about it.

This weekend is going to mean some time spent gardening. Our back garden is being reclaimed as a forest. With the grass not growing while it was dry it hasn’t needed cutting and the trees at the bottom of our garden are very effective at dropping their seeds all over the lawn. There are simply hundreds of little saplings coming up all over the grass. If we didn’t mow the grass for a season we really would have a little woodland rather than a lawn. I said we should let them get on with it, but they are quite big trees and there are only so many roots you want pushing up your house foundations. I said it would give me more to pee on so that I could leave the fruit trees alone, but my Mistress said if we let them grow, there wouldn’t be any fruit trees.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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