Friday 26th July 2013 – Middle age

I’m still struggling with the whole middle age thing. No longer young enough to have the energy for ideals. Not old enough to give up completely. Lacking in direction. Seeing your looks fading before your eyes. Feeling that extra layer of fat on your bones. Wondering what the point of it all is. I’ve reached the age where, when the young pups wave their paws with indignation at some injustice rather than joining in, as I would have in the old days, I try to see the other point of view or just sit back and shake my head sagely. When a youngster announces something as though it is the most earth shattering piece of news, that is something we encountered years ago, I don’t even have the energy to laugh and smile at his being young.

What is the point in it all? Was I just put on this earth to be a pet? What legacy will I leave for future generations? I couldn’t have puppies, so wasn’t able to carry on the good name of Dog. I’ve no son and heir, not that I’d have anything to leave to him. So what is it all about? Oh my Mistress says I should be proud of my achievements. It’s not every dog who sets up a political party and writes his diary for more than seven years. It’s not every dog that has a publishing company named after them or provides the inspiration for someone to work to develop their breed. Sometimes though, much as I know all that, it just isn’t enough.

Don’t listen to me, you should be getting on with your own life. I’m just having a bad day. I had a bit of a disagreement with the others and spent the whole of yesterday on my own and all this introspection doesn’t do a dog any good. Megan had been to the butcher’s for an extra work and she’d had a bit of an anxiety attack so when she got home she was looking for someone to argue with and found all of us. My Mistress struggled to get the meat out of the rucksack before we’d totally squashed it in the melee.

Maybe all I really need is a good holiday and I’ve got one of those coming up. Don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll be fine.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

You can find short stories to read at

1 Comment

  1. Finn the Maine Coon says: I read you blog on ageing and I sympathise. I will be 11 years old soon and I sometimes wonder what is the point. I have been head cat for several years and I have trained the young ones well. We have a new British Shorthair sister, Molly Bedmole, who listens to my advice and loves to play with my furry tail. I am a little jealous of you, Alfie, since you have a daily blog and a publishing company. You will be remembered.

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