Thursday 25th July 2013 – On the Mend

At last my Mistress is well enough to start taking Megan out again. She isn’t up to any long walks yet but anything is better than nothing. They are working on two shorter walks while my mistress builds up her strength and Megan will in a few days be back to her old peace loving self.

Aristotle is still not enjoying his swimming. I said he should try a different stroke to liven it up and wondered if he’s given any thought to butterfly. Granted I can see he might find it quite hard to get his front legs all the way round, but it’s got to be worth a try. He’ll never know until he tries. My Mistress says his doggy paddle is very elegant and that everyone thinks it’s really cute the way he tucks his back legs up and doesn’t bother using them. He says what’s the point in tiring out his back legs when he can swim perfectly well with just his front ones? I guess he’s got a point and if it works for him then why not?

Next week is a very important week. Granny is going to be 80. You wouldn’t think it if you met her, but then 80 is the new 70 or in Granny’s case probably the new 60. I helped my Mistress wrapping her presents yesterday. When I say ‘helped’, I more ‘watched’ than actually did anything. Maybe Ari’s laziness swimming is because he’s been learning from my example! Anyway, Granny is having cream teas but I’ve been told I can’t go. I’d be in the way with all the people. It seems a big unfair when she’s my granny and not theirs. I just hope the weather is good for it. After all the good weather we’ve had it would be a shame if it rained.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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