Wednesday 24th July 2013 – I was wrong

Tuesday night I laughed at my Mistress. ‘I don’t know why you’re watering those plants, we’ve been promised heavy rain.’ She persisted. As it turned out, she was right. We didn’t get the heavy rain, we had some large spots that were an apology for it but then a humid overcast day. There was some thunder, but even that didn’t really get going. To be honest a decent shower would have brightened everything up outside as it’s looking a bit parched.

The good news is that my Mistress has stopped sneezing all over us and has moved on to coughing all over us instead. She is starting to feel a little better than she was but still had to spend part of the day in bed. Megan is desperate for her to be better so they can start on their long expeditions again and I must admit we are all voting for that. Megan’s not a dog who likes to sit around. She would work if someone would give her the chance to herd some cattle. My Mistress has even contemplated asking out friend in the village who keeps cows if Megan can have a chance to see how much comes naturally. I said that doesn’t seem fair on the cows. Did I tell you I’ve come up with a theory on why shaking a tin of coins, which can be used to persuade a dog to desist from bad behaviour, has little impact on us? I think the metallic sounds are programmed into our genes. Generations of ancestors have been brought up herding cattle, each of which wears a cow-bell round its neck. Everywhere our ancestors went there were metallic sounds, admittedly they were melodious rather than raucous but it’s bound to have had an impact on what is ok as far as we are concerned. There must be something we don’t like, but my Mistress hasn’t found it yet!

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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