Tuesday 23rd July 2013 – How time flies

When I started writing my diary Andy, the youngest human of the family was not quite 4 years old. He and I were the puppies of the family. In many ways we grew up together. Many’s the time he’s wrapped his arms around me and enjoyed the comfort of a big dog to hold. I grew faster than he did and had to remember not to knock him over when he was small. There will come a time when I’m old and he has to take care with me. Anyway, today he leaves primary school and I’m asking myself ‘where did all those years go?’ It was funny the week he started school, it was as though he grew several inches and several years all at once and I just know we are going to see the same thing happen again in his first year of senior school later in the year. Then you look at James heading off into the adult world with a job and wanting to buy his first car and you just shake your head and sigh at how the years have passed. Even little Ari is going to be 2 years old in September. It’s funny looking back. This is the first good summer of Shadow and Megan’s lifetimes and only the second decent summer for me. Ari was saddened when I pointed out he could be nearly nine before he had another summer like this. Rather than getting maudlin, it’s time for an inappropriate mid-life crisis, but what are the options open to a dog? I can’t go for the fast car, at least not as the driver and I certainly don’t plan to trade my Mistress in for a younger model. Trendy clothing isn’t an option to me and my fur isn’t suitable for some weird haircut. I suppose I just have to grow old gracefully while doing all I can to keep up with the youngsters.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com