Monday 22nd July 2013 – Lazy Sunday afternoon

I know I shouldn’t say this but I like it when my Mistress is so poorly that she has to spend the day in bed. It means I can spend the day in bed next to her. Aristotle and I took it in turns to nuzzle up to her and check she was ok and curl up with our heads strategically placed so we could react at a moment’s invitation. She insisted on listening to an audio book while lying there and it wasn’t to my taste, but I guess you can’t have everything. She’s off to the doctor’s today so hopefully she will be on the mend soon. It was nice to be back to being just the two of us with her and the girls downstairs. Four of us vying for position on the bed gets a bit much. For me it was good re-bonding time with Aristotle, I’ve felt he’s been siding with the girls too much recently and I was missing having him as a companion. He’s not a bad sort really, it’s just that he always wants to impress Megan. He needs to wake up to the fact that she isn’t his girlfriend whatever he might think. I’ve told him he deserves better. She goes off and has relationships with other dogs and he’s just supposed to overlook them and pretend it doesn’t hurt. I’ve told him, somewhere out there is a girl who would be faithful to him. It’s just a question of meeting her. He pointed out that I hadn’t exactly succeeded on that score but I like to think of my Mistress as my soul mate and the only one in the world I need. Dogs can be overrated. It’s not as though I can have puppies and I’d never find a girl who was always ready to scratch behind my ear just the way I like.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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