Thursday 18th July 2013 – Fancy Dress

Every year our local pub has a fancy dress party for its birthday celebration. My Mistress particularly enjoys it as it is close to her birthday as well. Each year we spend ages agonising over what she and my Master can wear. Every year they fail to take my advice. This year the theme is characters beginning with the same letter as your first name, so my Mistress is R and my Master C. She has settled on Little Red Riding Hood. I said that was an ‘L’ not an ‘R’ but she didn’t listen to that. So I said ‘And in any case shouldn’t it be ‘Reasonably Tall Greying Riding Hood in your case?’ At that point she certainly didn’t listen to me, except to say that the colour referred to the hood and not the hair! As for my Master, well what can I say? I have asked him to keep away from all of us when he is dressed as Count Dracula in case he causes us to have nightmares. When you start looking at the costume options I’m not sure which I fine more frightening my Master with canine teeth to match ours or a full head of hair, even if it isn’t his own.

I don’t know how much longer the good weather can last but the grass is going brown and for once it isn’t our fault. Ok so there are patches which we are responsible for but the rest is changing colour to match. I tried arguing that peeing on it might be seen as helping it grow but my Mistress seemed to hold an alternative view. She has asked if we could stick to the bare patches but where’s the fun in that?

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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