Monday 15th July 2013 – Girls and their wardrobes

Megan is so excited about her new cooling coat. It doesn’t matter that my Mistress bought one that would fit any of us so that for example I can use it on holiday. No, Megan thinks it is just for her. She tried it for the first time yesterday and walked further, faster and felt fine. She didn’t have to stop for a sit down and didn’t need so much to drink despite walking over 8 kilometres. My Mistress sprinkled more water on it every now and then to make sure it kept working to keep her cool and it really seemed to do the trick. My Mistress came back sweating heavily and wondered if they did them for humans too.

Out telephone desensitisation training has begun. The biggest problem at the moment it me. I’m not fooled by the tin of coins. I bark not for attention but as a diversionary tactic when I think one of the others might jump on me. It’s the old he who barks loudest thing. My bark is definitely worse than my bite as I simply don’t bite – I just bark. Anyway, it has been explained to me that I am derailing the exercise. I may even have to go into another room for today’s session so that my Mistress can get the plan to work with the other three. The problem is that I’m fed up with going into the other room to get away from the others. Why can’t they all go into the other room so I can be with my Mistress? To be honest I think I might behave just to get the treats we get when the training works. I can be quiet if there is enough incentive.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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