Sunday 30th June 2013 – Children’s Playground

I want to go to play on a children’s playground. You may wonder what has prompted this outburst. I have reached that stage of later life where senility has set in and I am now in my second puppyhood? Fortunately it is nothing as dramatic as that. It’s just that Bella, our friend who had the nibble at Megan’s ear, went to a children’s playground and had her photo taken on some of the rides. She was balancing on one of those chairs on springs that bob about and it got me to thinking that I don’t have enough fun in my life and that I need to let my hair down a bit. So, I want to go to a children’s playground. What I’d really like is to go on the swings with my mistress pushing me ever so gently, at least until I’d got used to it and wanted to go a little higher, although I don’t think I’d ever be very adventurous. I’d like to go on the see-saw with my Mistress balancing my weight the other end – in fact thinking about it perhaps we could have me Ari and Shadow on together with my Mistress balancing us all out. When I said that to her she did say she wasn’t quite as heavy as that, but her main point was that our legs wouldn’t touch the ground so we wouldn’t be able to push ourselves up again and she would be left doing all the work. I simply asked what point she was making, but she didn’t seem to appreciate it.

Bella is coming to stay in a few weeks, which is really exciting and I’m hoping that her adventurous nature will rub off and we’ll be able to join in lots of fun things that weekend. I know geocaching has been talked about, which my Mistress wants to try but I’m sure we could find a kids playground somewhere that lets dogs in too.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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