Saturday 29th June 2013 – the ups and downs of moulting

Normally I would have shed my winter coat long before now, but with the weather as it has been there didn’t seem a whole lot of point. I have however decided the time was right over the last few days, as much because it decided it simply couldn’t stay attached any longer as any desire on my part to lose it. Anyway, on the downside I have been leaving a trail of hair everywhere I have been. That has had the positive impact of my Mistress taking me outside and giving me a good brush. We don’t really need brushing very often but I have to say I do really enjoy it. It’s like being stoked on a bigger scale. The other upside is how beautiful and glossy my coat looks again now all the dead stuff has been brushed away. I’d forgotten just how sleek and good looking I was and was starting to feel a little jaded. Now I am holding my head high and feeling younger than my 7 ½ years. I think that humans miss out not needing to be brushed all over, it’s like having an all over massage and I can wholeheartedly recommend it.

One side effect of the moulting is that it has prompted a ‘spring’ cleaning of my Master and Mistress’s bedroom. You wouldn’t believe the amount of dirt that had gathered behind and under the bed. I’m sure she won’t thank me for telling you, but even I was shocked when I saw what it was like down there. You could grow more vegetables in that amount of dirt – root vegetables at that!

The real vegetable growing is developing remarkably well. The plants look very healthy and are taking over the whole space. It won’t be long before they are too big for the netting to cover them and I don’t know what happens then!

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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