Friday 28th June 2013 – Ari’s swimming

Ari came back from swimming full of excitement yesterday for the first time ever he’d enjoyed himself – not so much that he wants to go next week, but I guess you can’t have everything. Anyway, they have got some new lifejackets and he says it helps to keep his head out of the water better and he does prefer it when his mouth is out of the water and he doesn’t swallow quite so much in the process. He also thought it would be a great wheeze to make my Mistress walk up and down the side while he swam so that he could keep her in view when he was swimming away from where she normally sits and cheers him on. They ended up having a great game where she would walk to the far end with the toy he had to retrieve and shout ‘fetch’ and he’d swim up to her, collect the toy and then swim back holing it with her walking at the side. When he got to the far end he’d give her the toy and she could walk back down the pool and repeat the whole process. Apparently with enjoying it he worked much harder so everyone was happy – as happy as he will ever be swimming!

The afternoon was a bit frustrating as someone was operating a chain saw near us and we really wanted to go and bark at them but got told off and had to stay inside and behave. What would you do with that noise? Surely a dog should be allowed to bark at a chainsaw? It’s better to let us bark at them than to get our paws on them and really do some damage. Can you imagine the fear on the local cat’s face if he saw me coming armed with a chainsaw?

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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