Thursday 27th June 2013 – Should I be flattered?

I roused myself from my slumbers yesterday to see what my Mistress was doing and was disconcerted to find she was writing about me. Now in fairness, I have spent over seven years writing about her but I didn’t expect the treatment to be reciprocated. She’s told me often enough about the dangers of living with a writer and I smile sweetly and move my paw over the words I’m typing so she can’t see what I’m doing, but for her to get her own back is still a bit of a surprise. You can find out what she wrote on her blog She hasn’t got as many followers as I have so it would be good to give her a bit of encouragement.

The holiday plans are coming together and I’m getting very excited. Not only will I see my mum and sister but it now seems my Mistress’s nephew is coming and he’ll give me loads of attention while we’re away, I just know he will. I’m determined to overcome my fear of water and of course I will have my life jacket. If Ari can go swimming every week, even though he doesn’t like it, then I can manage to go on a boat with the intention of staying out of the water for the duration.

Every few weeks my Mistress has to open a new sack of dog food. When it happens it is a moment of great excitement. The bags weigh quite a lot and she can’t lift it that easily. To make it easier to manage and safe from all of us, once it’s open, she tips it into some big containers and seals the lids. The best bit comes between her lifting the sack and trying to pour it into the containers. Certainly at the start when the sack is heavy, she doesn’t have so much control over the pouring and this is where the excitement comes in – she often spills it all over the floor. She is very adept and simultaneously shouting at us to ‘leave’ and scooping it up, but there are always those few milliseconds before she reacts and as long as I’m really quick I can be in there. Ah happy days.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

You can find short stories to read at