Wednesday 26th June 2013 – It doesn’t take much

Shadow has had it explained to her that, as a result of Addie’s first place at Blackpool last Sunday, she now has points towards the Best Brood Bitch for Working Dog in the Import Register category. She is now even more insufferable than ever. She is walking round with her tail held high and her nose stuck in the air as though she is the queen of the house, which of course in her head she is. It would be so much easier to be proud of her if she showed just a little humility and didn’t say she deserved nothing less. Ari took it all in good bounce and asked if there were any prizes for the brothers of dogs that won first places, and was offered a biscuit as a minor compensation.

To be fair to Aristotle he is in need of compensation seeing as he is not now going on his first ever family holiday as had been originally planned. With one thing and another it has been decided that only one of us is going and as I really want to see my mum I’ve decided to not complain about the boat bit of the holiday but to concentrate on the positives. Some of it at least will be on dry land!

Yesterday was very exciting as our old neighbours from Belgium called to see us. As I was the one who really knew them already I was allowed to join them in the lounge. I did get a little over excited and managed to spill my Mistress’s drink all down her but she forgave me. We’re going to see them when we are in Belgium and if I am good my Mistress said she might take me for a walk where we used to live. I said I’d really like that. It would be nice to go and visit the real Alfie’s Woods after which my second book is named.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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