Tuesday 25th June 2013 – Something in the Air

Monday was one of those days. I can only think somewhere there was a planet out of alignment of an unpleasant conjunction affecting the world around us. By mid-afternoon my Mistress had had enough of it all and was wondering why she bothered. It wasn’t helped by the ongoing dispute over my Master’s suitcase being regarded as a person by the hotel he stayed in a week ago. Then of course the sun didn’t shine and there were more difficult emails to deal with than nice ones. I did my best to help, which was made easier by it being Tick treatment day and that is always good news. You may wonder how having nasty chemicals applied can be good news, but as both Aristotle and Shadow are such caring dogs and feel the need to groom me and each other, we all have to be kept apart for a couple of hours while it dries and stops being toxic. I get to spend that couple of hours in the room with my Mistress and so I am the happy one of the three of us. Things went back to normal in time for tea when they re-emerged and immediately got cross with me.

I think I forgot to tell you that Aristotle’s sister Addie (Adrienne) has qualified for Crufts now as well as his half-brother Basil. She won first place in her class at the show in Blackpool on Sunday which gives her qualification. Shadow is strutting round a very proud mother and Ari is saying if we hadn’t had him castrated he could have qualified to. I didn’t disavow him of that idea, with his bad elbow it wouldn’t have been the case but it’s better not to remind him of that. He’s a winner as far as we are concerned and that’s all he needs to know.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com