Monday 24th June 2013 – Midsummer’s Day

Now I know some of you may think that last Friday was midsummer, being the solstice and longest day, but it wasn’t. Officially Midsummer’s Day is today – the quarter day that goes by that name anyway. However, the weather is still somewhat disappointing and having heard the news I did, over the weekend, I am seriously thinking of emigrating to somewhere warm and sunny. Scientists have spread doom and gloom by telling us that from the information they have available we in the UK are likely to have wet summers for at least the next ten years. There are several thoughts that spring to mind. The first is that we should find some new scientists. The second that they should find some new conflicting information to give us some hope and the third is to invest in a canoe. To be fair, the third one is not serious and you wouldn’t get me anywhere near a canoe or any other boat that I was so close to being a part of the water.

Anyway, it is pretty dire news for most people. For children there is the thought they will never have a long hot summer to play out in the lazy sunny days. Then there are the really old who hoped to see another good summer before the move on to endless summer days or winter day, whichever they opt for. Then there are the dogs. We don’t live so long. Many of us may never know a decent summer in our entire lives. We may go a lifetime thinking that the year has two seasons. Winter from November to May and autumn from June to October. I’m trying to hold fast to the memories of my early puppy hood when we had a swimming pool in the back garden and it was occasionally warm enough for the humans to use. I want Aristotle to know those times. I want to know those times again. And so dear reader, I am left with little option than to contemplate emigrating and if anyone can suggest somewhere I might enjoy I am willing to consider most possibilities.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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