Friday 21st June 2013 – I must not bark in my Mistress’s ear

It seems that really isn’t the thing to do. There she is, concentrating really hard and all of a sudden I come up and bark in her ear. I don’t’ have a quiet bark either. Not only did I break her concentration I scared her witless. You’ve never seen someone jump the way she did. She got very cross with me indeed, I was almost sorry. I’m barking rather a lot at the moment and need to get out of what is becoming a bad habit. It’s just that it is my only way of retaliating and whilst in the past I didn’t seem to need it that much as I’ve got older I’ve been forced to resort to it more and more. I’m feeling a bit old at the moment. It seems to go in phases and I don’t really know why, I think it’s partly insecurity. I didn’t really appreciate my Mistress choosing to take Aristotle instead of me last weekend, even though I didn’t want to see Megan and he did. I don’t have to be rational, I just want to be understood and adored. It doesn’t help that Shadow has taken to sitting on my Mistress’s feet under the desk and it doesn’t matter how many times my Mistress explains I’m her number one dog and how I’m the only one allowed to get into bed with her every morning, somehow it’s the little things that get to me.

My Mistress seems to be doing an analysis of the freezing temperatures of different substances by turning them into ice lollies. So far she has discovered that cherry syrup that with added water makes squash 1) separates during freezing and 2) doesn’t freeze – the water bit does, the syrup doesn’t. Blueberry juice however does freeze but isn’t was hard when frozen as water although doesn’t seem to taste much of blueberries once frozen. She thinking of trying water melon next.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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