Friday 14th June 2013 – I’m paying the price

I said sorry to Shadow for mistaking her unattended food as being available. What more can a dog do? Oh no, that’s not good enough. She’s made me give up my bed right by my Mistress’s chair so that she can have it. I usually have that one a) because it’s as close as I can get to my Mistress without actually sitting on her knee and b) because it’s tucked out of the way and I’m safe from being jumped on by the others. Yes, there’s the risk of my ear being run over by the caster on her chair but to be fair she usually checks with me before moving. Now Shadow has said she wants to sit there. It’s not as though there aren’t other comfortable places to sit. There’s a bed by the window, there’s the settee and here’s another chair. Ari is on the settee, the other chair is only really big enough for Shadow, bits of me hang over the edges in a quite undignified fashion. Anyway, I want to be close to my Mistress so I’m having to sit on the floor under her desk and then I get kicked if she moves her feet.

To add insult to injury I’ve got a whole weekend with Shadow while my Mistress takes Aristotle to see Megan. I hope Shadow is not going to spend all weekend making me pay or it’s going to be a very long weekend. I need assertiveness training. This pacifist dog thing just isn’t working for me. I always thought it was the Swiss neutrality coming through in my blood, but it seems to have past Shadow by and she’s just as Swiss as I am.  I just get walked all over by the more assertive members of the pack. I wonder if I could learn to be an assertive pacifist.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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