Sunday 9th June 2013 – Tired just watching

Yesterday I mainly spent my day watching people work and I’d just like to say how tiring that can be. My Mistress decided that it was about time to do lots of those little odd jobs that have been waiting a while, like changing the batteries in the outside clock… which stopped last October! She cleaned the summerhouse and sorted out some odd little plumbing jobs and so the list went on. My Master cut the grass while my Mistress did the edges and he’s offered to look at the tap my Mistress can’t work out how to fix. Given the last time my Master went anywhere near a plumbing job it required a plumber, a builder and a decorator to repair the damage – I’m not so sure that’s a good idea! They did stop eventually but by that point my Mistress was about ready to go to sleep. She says she worked hard so that she can take today off, but I’ll believe that when I see it. I do know they are planning to go to the Alne Street Fayre today, but fortunately they aren’t expecting me to go, which is good as I’m not keen on crowds. I’m just looking forward to the walk later on, which won’t involve any crowds at all. Your lucky round here if you see another person when you’re out walking – or unlucky as the case may be. There’s just us and the fields and that’s the way it should be, as far as I’m concerned anyway.

I’ve had a bit of an argument with Ari. I’m fed up that he’s going to see my grandparents next weekend and I’m not. My Mistress has said it is only because he wants to see Megan and I don’t but that’s not the point. She took him last time. It’s my turn. I could stay with my grandparents rather than go to see Megan, I’m sure they’d be ok with that.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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