Saturday 8th June 2013 – The Summerhouse

At last my Mistress has decided it is time to get the summerhouse back in operation. She’s promised that if the weather is good and as long as we don’t start barking outside, she will work from the summerhouse on good days. She just needs to get rid of the odd cobweb and decide what she does need down there to make it most enjoyable. I’ve asked if she can take down a bed or two for us and a water bowl, to save me having to walk up to the house when I need a drink. She needs a supply of cold drinks to keep her going and to remember to put the notice on the front door to tell people that we are all in the garden. It’s so they can find my Mistress when they want her but the sign does say the dogs are in the garden too so that no one makes the mistake of coming through the gate not expecting three large dogs to come bounding up to them. We can be a bit of a shock to the system if you aren’t expecting us!

Ari got his blood test result, his liver is fine, but he has to give a urine sample as there is still some concern that our vet wants to make sure isn’t a problem. My  Mistress has told him they’ll do his sample on Monday morning, but I have to say having someone standing there holding a pot is enough to put a dog off needing to go!

My Mistress is reaching the conclusion that her mother is right. She does need a basket for the back of her bike. It was as she wobbled back from the butcher’s with the meat in the front basket and felt herself not going in quite so straight a line as normal that she conceded that her mother may well have a good point about the front basket over balancing the bike when full.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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