Monday 27th May 2013 – Dickens and Basil

Basil and Dickens came 3rd and 4th in their class at Bath yesterday. Well done to both of them. It’s always difficult when it’s your first time, not that I’ve ever even tried and we look forward to hearing all your exciting results in the coming months. We know you’re the best even if the judge hasn’t realised yet!

The others went for a lovely long woodland walk yesterday. There is a place called Yearsley Woods which lots of my Mistress friends had said they had taken their dogs to and yesterday she eventually went to find it. Finding it was the hard part. It’s no more than about 11 miles from us, but it turns out it isn’t on the car’s sat nav or the one on my Mistress’s phone. She ended up having to come back into the house to check on her big map of North Yorkshire. Even though there are no facilities there, she’s giving it a green star on her map as she really liked it. Ari thought it was brilliant but was completely worn out when he got home. With his leg he doesn’t get to walk that far normally, he’s only been able to do it since his swimming has left him a very handsome and well-muscled dog. Having seen how good swimming is for the figure I wish I could overcome my dislike of the water but I’m too old for that now. If the weather is good he may get to go to the beach tomorrow, but he’s got to wait to find out. I’ll probably go too, as long as no one makes me go in the water.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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