Sunday 26th May 2013 – I’ve been a bad dog

I was a very bad dog yesterday. No one likes being told off, least of all me. I’d been digging up patches of grass and my Mistress was becoming increasingly vexed. In the end she said I would have to go inside if I wouldn’t behave myself. She was hanging the washing out at the time. There was one basket with wet clothes about to go on the line and one, which fortunately was empty at the time, for the clean dry clothes to go in. I walked up to the empty one and cocked my leg and peed all over and inside it. IT was a pretty good effort if I do say so myself, but my Mistress was furious. Grateful that I hadn’t done it over any clean washing but furious that I was, in her words, ‘behaving like a spoilt little child’. Once I had chance to look back on it, from the confines of indoors, I could see it may have been a slightly reckless gesture and one that was unlikely to provoke a sympathetic response. You’ll be pleased to know that she did wash the basket out thoroughly before she used it.

My Mistress went out with ‘The Duchess’ (her bicycle) yesterday for the first time. She reached two important conclusions on her 4.5km cycle. 1) She is not fit. 2) It is better if your front wheel is in line with your handle bars. The second she rectified with a screw driver when she got home, the former may take a little more work!

Aristotle is a dog after his mother’s heart and spent most of the day catching and eating flies. There are more nose marks on the windows than you would imagine possible. It’s funny to watch when they are both going for the same fly. Ari is much better at it as he can stand on his back legs and still be completely stable whereas Shadow tends to jump to catch them.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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