Saturday 25th may 2013 – A tip from Bella

Bella, an Entlebucher friend of ours has written with advice on how to help our plants that aren’t being pollinated by insects. Apparently I should be going out with a feather duster and gently dusting each of the plants and then redusting to spread the pollen around. What a brilliant idea. I wonder if it would work by just using my tail. That would save getting the duster out.

I’d like to send best wishes to Dickens and Basil, two of Shadow’s last litter of puppies, who will be making history in Sunday. They will be the first Entlebuchers ever to compete in a Kennel Club recognised dog show in Great Britain. Good luck boys we’re all rooting for you. Our Mistress and your mum said to tell you just how proud of you we are. It won’t be easy as they will be competing against other dog breeds on the import register and we have no idea how well the judge will know our breed. My Mistress wishes it were a lot nearer so she could go along to support them, but it’s in Bath and that’s a long way away.

My Mistress eventually took her bicycle out of the box and put it together, as far as it was not yet assembled. Now The Duchess is standing proudly in the hall. She doesn’t want to take it outside where it can get wet and dirty. Do you think there is an aspect of cycling she may not have got the hang of yet? I even caught her talking to the bike and saying goodnight to it last night. Talking to us is one thing, we’re dogs, we understand, but a bike! Has she lost the plot completely?

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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