Wednesday 20th February 2013 – A day of two halves

Alfie as a puppy
Alfie as a puppy

Yesterday morning my Mistress had a phone call from the hospital to say they are moving her operation to next week. She was furious. She has arranged everything around the Thursday this week. The kennel booking, a free diary and so on. Then as from next Saturday she had started to book things into her diary again including buying a train ticket to go to see some friends on the Saturday. Now it look as though she has to move everything round and will miss seeing the group of friends and lose her money on her rail ticket. She is also worried about how she is going to get to Crufts as she will still have her hand in plaster and won’t be able to drive. She’ll find a way to do everything, she always does but she really isn’t happy.

Then there were the good bits of the day. First of all we heard that Annie has started her season and will be off to meet Higgins, her stud dog in Germany, next week. That means there will be three litters of Entlebucher puppies all born within a few weeks of each other if all their pregnancies are successful. It looks as though there needs to be a massive first birthday party next year for all of them. If all goes well they it would take out numbers up to around 50 which is amazing given in 2008 I was number 10 in the country. As if that wasn’t exciting enough we then heard that the Kennel Club have approved our Interim Breed Standard. That means that for the first time ever the Entlebucher Mountain Dog is eligible to  enter dog shows in the import classes. It also means that overseas dogs which qualify for Crufts will be eligible to enter from 2014. It really is great news for our breed.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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