I suppose I could have just entitled today, Megan has gone. It’s not just the sleepover she’s having with Bella last night, it is the next probably 8 weeks. She’s going to stay with her mum and sister, and several other Entlebuchers, in Switzerland. She’s been getting so excited that frankly we’d all had enough. Yes we’re all jealous. We’d like to be seeing Bella but the thought of getting 8 weeks in our native land is something we all envy. I can skip the snow, but even that was an exciting thought to the other two. I’d only be prepared to stay if my Mistress stayed with me for the whole time, which of course wouldn’t happen. Meg did say she will miss us all and will send us some updates. She’s going to miss our Mistress most. She’s very attached to her but she’ll have her family around her so she’ll be all right.
I haven’t heard how things went with Bella yet. I’ll have to tell you about that later. I’m sure she’ll ring if only to brag. I know they were planning to go to the park together so I’m guessing there will have been a fair amount of rough and tumble involved.
My Mistress is still meeting people who say things like ‘I saw you on television in November.’ The latest one was followed by ‘I’d love to meet one of your dogs’. I’m not sure which of us is going to oblige, we’ve been asked who wants to volunteer. The person already has a 6 year old Labrador so I said if it was all the same to the others I’d decline. Ari put his paw up and said ‘me, pick me’, just like Donkey in Shrek! However my Mistress said that she will probably take Shadow as she is less energetic and a six year old might not be quite so put off.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com