Friday 8th February 2013 – Banks

Me and my little sister Dora

My Mistress has been having a problem with a bank which at this stage will remain nameless. The problem is of such a scale that she has threatened them that if they do not both sort it and get a letter of apology to her by this time next week then she will go to the National Press. You may wonder what is so big that she is confident that national press will want to know. This is what happened. Two weeks ago she logged onto an account she has which is in Euros. It’s with an English bank, but I will say no more. She was horrified with what she saw. Her own account was there, with a relatively small amount of money in it, but she also had access to someone else’s account which had a six figure sum sitting in it. It didn’t just show up, she could go into every aspect of the account, including payments. That was on the 22nd of January. The bank said they would sort it out and yes it did seem to be a big problem. Sensible she took screen prints of what she saw. Fifteen days later she received a text message to her phone from the bank suggesting someone was trying to undertake a transaction on her account. She logged in and was horrified to find she still has access to someone else’s money. She rang the bank. They have told her they are looking into it and the problem is they don’t know what to do about it. So she has issued them with an ultimatum. If it is not sorted by next week and a letter sent to her both apologising and explaining what has happened she will hand it over to the national press. I hope they believed her threat as she definitely means it!

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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