Thursday 7th February 2013 – A hectic life

In amidst all the excitement of my Mistress’s thumb, which fortunately is only badly bruised, I completely forgot to wish Shadow a happy birthday yesterday. It was only when my Mistress came down to her and started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ that I remembered. She was cool about it and just said that Ari, Megan and I could hand all our treats and chews over to her for the day to make up for it.

Today my Mistress has had to go to London for the day by train. By coincidence my Master is also going to London by train and is on the same train. My Mistress doesn’t travel first class very often and happens to have a first class ticket. When my Master said she could sit with him her response was that he needn’t think she was giving up her first class ticket on the very rare occasion that she has one. My Master is not impressed. I wonder if they’ll still be talking to each other when they come home this evening. It will be interesting to see how it all went. I’m guessing how my Mistress is will depend more on how the presentation goes that she is giving. She’s worked really hard on it and we’ve all had to act as her audience when she’s been practicing. I can honestly say that I found some of what she was saying quite interesting

Megan has been backing for her holiday. She’s all over the place not knowing what to take. She asked whether she should take her little boots in case she hurts her paw again, but my Mistress has told her she will just have to be more careful. Besides which she seems to prefer eating them to wearing them. We’re going to miss her. It’s going to be odd not being in the firing line every time she see me. Ari will miss her most. He dotes on her. He spends his time like a love sick teenager whenever Megan is with us.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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