Wednesday 6th February 2013 – She shouldn’t be allowed out

It’s my Mistress. She’s a walking disaster area. She needed to try out the snow chains on the car to make sure 1) they were the right size and 2) she knew what to do with them. She had hoped for a warm sunny day to try them, but when it’s February you have to settle for what you can get, she at least went out when it was dry outside. That was the end of things going well. She had watched the video of how they could be fitted in 12 seconds. It looked straightforward. There was a diagram on the bag showing her what to do and in fairness in little over five minutes she’d worked out what she was doing wrong and had it fitted to the car. The video did not show how to remove them!

Removing them was when the fun started. There is a button to pull out. She did that. There are two buttons to push in. One of them was fine and the other one was sticking. She needed a little more force so she found somewhere to put her other hand to give a little more purchase. Unfortunately there was no warning included saying if you are going to put your hand somewhere, don’t pick that particular spot. That particular spot was where the springs were that would be released by pushing the buttons. In this instance the springs that would wrap themselves round her thumb! Oh she yelped. She rushed inside to calm down and check her thumb wasn’t broken. She had no feeling in the side of her thumb that had been attacked by the spring but she could still move it, so she took that as a good sign. She has two large blood blisters and the feeling returned about half an hour later, so all in all she’s had a very lucky escape and will be treating the snow chains with a little more respect from now on.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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