It is with great sadness I have to tell you that my old pal Guapo has died. Guapo was one of the first Entlebcuhers in the UK and was the eldest. He would have been 13 in May. We don’t have a great record of longevity in the UK but then it hasn’t been based on many dogs. Guapo you will be much missed by many people and I’d like to say thank you to you and your owner for leading the way that the rest of us can only follow in.
At the other end of the cycle of life the puppies are getting stronger by the day and are quite willing to shred whatever my Mistress is wearing when she goes in to them. She comes out with cuts and bruises as though she is been in a bare knuckle fight. All five of them went outside at the same time to play yesterday. They had a wonderful time running around on the grass and investigating everything. It was a shame my Mistress didn’t take any photos but when it’s like that they need to be free to rescue any errant puppy and with a worse that one to one ration it can be a losing battle for the humans. When they came in they slept for ages – the puppies, not the humans! Then by teatime they were really hungry. They didn’t gain much weight yesterday and in some cases lost a little. My Mistress wonders if it is the change from puppy start to the main puppy food. She will see if they do better by tomorrow and might give them some of the puppy start to nibble if it is. Tess lost 20g so you can only begin to imagine how much fuss has been made of her today. She’s even been given her own feeding bowl and was given some time out of the pen to eat in peace and quiet. Basil gained 60g so he is 4900g. Beija clearly likes the new food as she gained 140g to reach 4530g, but Tucker and Dickens only added 30g each so they are not 4920g and 5080g respectively. Beija can hold her own against her brothers even though she is smallest but darling little Tess is so like me and would never push her way to the front.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com