Monday 31st December 2012 – A tasty torch

Megan is in trouble. Yesterday she was feeling a bit down in the dumps and wanted something to chew on. Sadly she chose my Mistress’s best rubber handled torch. By the time my Mistress found it the torch could compete with any impossible 1500 piece jigsaw and even then we weren’t sure we’d got all the bits. Needless to say the torch has been relegated to the bin and walking in the dark has just got a whole lot darker, which when you don’t have streetlamps is very dark!

Aristotle is best friends with Tess. They had already been spending time together over the last couple of days but then yesterday they were washing each other through the pen bars and then lying nose to nose. I think when her new owners come to collect her it won’t be Shadow checking them out to make sure they are good enough, it will be Aristotle!

The puppies didn’t get to go outside yesterday. The weather here was dreadful, gale force winds and driving rain. We didn’t want that to be their first experience of the outside world. The weather is due to get better over the next couple of days so hopefully they will be going out soon.

You may have noticed that most of their Christmas decorations have gone. Unfortunately we tripped over the tree lights once too often and pulled the tree over. My Mistress said enough was enough and that now Christmas was over she would start taking it all down. She hasn’t just taken the puppies tree down, she’s started on the rest of the house too. I think she’s in spring cleaning mode a few months early.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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