Sunday 30th December 2012 – Day 42

Well the puppies moved onto four meals a day yesterday. They didn’t mind not being fed at 11am, they weren’t really ready and were very happy when their lunch arrived. The problem was that they still expected afternoon tea and were upset when they were told they had to wait until five. They all pooed in protest but went back to sleep until the appointed time. Their night-time feed has come forward a little to give my Mistress chance of a full night’s sleep. She really doesn’t feel well and says she needs her sleep to help her recover. It helped that by 10.30 Shadow was more than happy to go in and give them a bedtime drink of warm milk and was prepared to stay a little longer than she has been doing. Today is likely to be their last bedtime milk so they had better make the most of it. It’s time for them to start growing up and be ready to be separated from their mum. I think that should be ‘mums’ as my Mistress is as much a mum to them as Shadow.

Tess made a special friend out of her big brother Aristotle yesterday and they were playing very happily together on opposite sides of the pen bars. It was a joy to watch. She kept woofing and lunging towards him to get and keep his attention and he was more than happy to oblige.

Tucker keeps asking for a cuddle. He’s becoming more enchanting by the day. He comes to the door of the pen and lifts his little paws up and cries. He’s utterly irresistible.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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