Monday Midday

Oh it wasn’t the puppies fault. They would have slept in. No, it was Shadow. She decided she was hungry at 5.30am. Her own fault, she was the one who wouldn’t eat yesterday. However whether it was her own fault or not became mildly irrelevant at the point she worked out that the best way to get my Mistress us to feed her was to wake the puppies and suggest they might like to ask for breakfast too. They needed no encouragement and having themselves had a good night’s sleep they were quite ready to play for a long time afterwards. My Mistress did climb back into bed, but her optimism of more sleep was soon shattered and she decided that her best bet was to get up, get everything done and then have a nap this afternoon as she has to stay up for the midnight service at chapel. She’s not good with late nights at the best of times but after an early start she will have difficulty.

The good news is that the oven has been repaired and she’d collected the meat from the butcher by 7.35 this morning. As I write this the shower repair is underway having completely got to the bottom of the problem. All in all it could be quite a successful day. Of course realising we’re low on oil might make it interesting in the next few days, but the hopefully some more will arrive in time.

Puppy weight gains were more modest, but then they were weighed early and had gone through the night without an extra meal. The biggest gain was Dickens who added 100g, Tucker added 90g, Britannia and Beija added 80g and Basil added just 40g. We thing Basil might have used rather more energy than the others in redesigning the pen, which he does at regular intervals.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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