Thursday 29th November 2012 – No more visitors for a week or so

Well on behalf of Shadow and the puppies I have been asked to say that she doesn’t want any more visitors for at least a week. She says that fame and stardom can take their toll and sometimes all a girl wants to do is have a bit of peace and quiet with her puppies. She says you can still watch her as usual on puppy cam live but she is not granting an audience to any more photographers or other visitors until they all move up to the playpen a week on Sunday. She says the amount of time it has taken her to get ready for each star appearance has just taken too great a toll on her nerves and that isn’t good for the puppies. My Mistress was relieved when she said it too as she has work to get on with and that isn’t easy when she has to worry about looking presentable for the cameras. She doesn’t like having her photo taken at the best of times and a strong of sleepless nights is most certainly not the best of times.

Having shown you a picture of the new Bumble, I thought I would show you a photo of the toy after whom he’s named. This was my Mistress’s dog on wheels when she was a small child. He looks more like a miniature Old English Sheepdog and was, so my Mistress claims, entirely responsible for her first dog being a Bearded Collie. Then she met our breed and became a total convert. I wonder if they make toys like this one that look like us. It’s a tough position for the new Bumble to live up to, but I’m sure he can do it. He has a number of advantages over the original – not least of which is that he is not as embarrassing for an adult to take for a walk!

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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