My Mistress is a very organised person… most of the time! She has learnt from some of her mistakes last year and is trying to make sure everything is completely ready for Shadow to give birth. Whelping pen – tick. Scales – tick. Heat pad for struggling puppies – tick. Food supplies so she doesn’t go hungry – tick. Puppy pen to hold the puppies when she has to move them round and keep them safe – tick. Bolts for puppy pen… Bolts for puppy pen!!! Where did she put the bolts for the puppy pen? Now she’s searched the garage, the summerhouse, the utility, the garden store and pretty much everywhere else she can think of and so far no sign of the bolts. She then decided she had wasted enough time so there was nothing else for it but to contact the company she bought it from and ask for them to send some more by express delivery. Now you’d think that would solve the problem. You’d be wrong. The company stopped supplying that particular puppy pen not long after we bought it and funnily enough now sell one that has little hooks that make the bolts superfluous. I’m guessing we are not alone in losing the little bolts. She recalls they were very easy to do up and so would like something similar. That was a cue to waste more time trawling the internet looking for appropriate fixings. If she has measured correctly the hole is 0.5cms. All the bolts she could find were 0.6cms. At this point it was decided there was nothing else for it but to go to the hardware store armed with two of the panels to see if they could supply something suitable. The moral of this story is that there is a reason you should always tape the fixings for a piece of equipment / furniture etc to the pieces when you put it in to storage. Sadly it is one my Mistress overlooked at her cost.
This afternoon the man is coming to set the camera up on Shadow ready for the big day. Check back here for all the progress reports on who is who and how they are all doing. I’m almost letting myself get a little bit excited.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Doubtless the bolts will turn up just too late,when looking for something else…like Christmas decorations 😉 Looking forward to the videos no end..it’s a bit like waiting for a new series of Downton Abbey..but hopefully with a little less drama and intrigue!