Sunday 23rd September 2012 – there’s crazy and then there’s my Mistress

Ok, so I should have been writing all about our Fun Day and I will in a minute, but my Mistress is on her way back to Switzerland. She hasn’t even been home. My Master is taking all of us home and my Mistress is going to collect Megan. Megan was ready for mating much sooner than we were expecting and went to see Leon yesterday. They got on VERY well and she’s going to see him again today. Anyway, it means the good news is that she will be ready to come home, but the bad news is that her puppies will be born within only a few days of Shadow’s. It’s going to be a very busy time in our house. If I were you I’d stay well clear!

Our Fun Day was amazing. There were 17 of us in the end. Shadow was very sad to have to sit it out in the car, but Aristotle was very happy to see his brothers and sisters. Dora (Avril), Addie (Adrienne), Sogeli (Annette), and Rafa (Alan) were all there. They were all simply lovely. Then there were the ones who were only 6 months old and there were the ones who were two years old. Of course there were one or two of us older ones too. I won a rosette for first place in most handsome dog. I’m very proud of it, but was alarmed to find I’ve lost my edge in the biscuit race. I didn’t take part in the timed obstacle race, but I can tell you that both Aristotle and I excelled in the recall with distractions. When I say excelled, that may not be exactly the right word. We were both very good at being distracted, eating the biscuits and not actually responding to the recall. By the end of the day we were worn out, but we’d had a fantastic day and Ari was so pleased that it means he’s seen all his siblings quite recently now.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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