Thursday 20th September 2012 – Shadow is coming home

Shadow is now well on the way home. Megan got a bit emotional saying goodbye, but she’s very happy to be staying with her Swiss family for a couple of weeks. The journey didn’t go quite according to plan yesterday thanks to the satellite navigation having ideas of its own and by the time my Mistress decided the route it was going wasn’t the one she wanted, she ended up in rush hour traffic around Strasbourg so was in a very bad mood by the time she eventually got to the hotel. She did tell me what she has bought for Aristotle’s birthday and I can tell you as long as you promise not to tell him before Saturday. He’s got a lovely big soft bed all of his very own. It sounds nicer than the beds the rest of us have got, so I suspect there may be some arguments. Not from me, I still love the bed I had as a puppy and even though I have a better one and it’s too small for me, that is the one I choose to use, so I don’t begrudge the little fella a nice bed. I can see the girls now, particularly if they are pregnant thinking they should have the best one.

We’ve only got today in kennels and then in the morning we go home to get ready for our Fun Day on Saturday. It’s a shame Megan is going to miss out, but we’ll all drink a little toast to her and I’ve volunteered to eat her slice of birthday cake and then tell her what it tasted like. I know she’ll appreciate that and the thing with birthday cake is that it wouldn’t last until she got home so there’s no point in my saving it for her.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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