Tuesday 18th September 2012 – You were not expecting this

As if I wasn’t bringing you enough excitement in telling you that Shadow has mated with Sami now it turns out that Megan’s season has started as well. Given the problems that my Mistress had with Megan last time round they have taken the rather scary decision that Megan is going to stay in Switzerland so that she can be close to the stud dog and will mate when she is ready in about another week and a half or so. It means that Megan is not coming home at the weekend. It also means that in another few weeks my Mistress will have to go back to collect her. I hope you are keeping up with the thinking, if you are you may already be asking the obvious questions. Does that mean we will be having two litters of puppies? Yes, my Mistress is that crazy. If this all works, it looks as though we may have two litters born within about 10 to 12 days of each other. Now that could mean that we have an awful lot of dogs in our house for a few weeks. I may volunteer to move out! At one point it looked as though Megan might have puppies by Aristotle’s dad, which given that Aristotle thinks of her as his girlfriend might have caused an irreparable rift between him and his father, but for better or worse, depending on your viewpoint, his father will be busy with another dog and so is not available. Anyway she will be going to Leon von der Auenruti, who has already had a litter with another girl in this country, so the puppies will have brothers and sisters which is nice.

Shadow enjoyed Sunday so much she has been to see her boyfriend again today and is planning a 3rd visit tomorrow. In between she is resting and says she is feeling fine and is very excited.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com