Saturday 15th September 2012 – And they’re off

Shadow had her blood test yesterday and is now on her way to meet her boyfriend. It may be as soon as Sunday that they get together, but more likely Monday. It’s all very exciting. I must admit to having a tear in my eye as I waved her off this morning, although that may have been as much about the fact that I’m going to miss my Mistress as all the excitement over Shadow. Both she and Megan have had their microchips checked to make sure they are working as they should. Hopefully neither of them will have a problem in the next few days. Anyway, they’ve gone and now I’m in charge. I’ve read the note on the desk several times and I think, with the exception of feeding everyone, my first job is to remind my Master to take us to Kennels on Sunday afternoon. It isn’t that we want to go, it’s just that otherwise we’d have to cross our legs for quite a long time and would get a bit fed up during the day. It’s ok I’m taking my phone and my computer so I’ll still be able to tell you what is happening to the girls on their travels. I might see if I can post updates to my Facebook page too, just to tell you how their journey is progressing.


Tonight they should be ringing me from Laon in France, so I shall sit here twiddling my paws and awaiting their call. On the other paw, Aristotle is very excited as he can play in the living room for the day, which he isn’t usually allowed to do. I just know that he’s got mischief on his mind and to be honest I’m not sure I want to know what he’s got planned. I think he’s hoping to play on the Playstation, but he’s going to have to play against one of the others as I had in mind a bit of a nap to pass the time.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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